Learn more about Process Documenter Plus

Drive knowledge with a fully functioning Learning management System, standardize and automate procedure documents and process flows, create and maintain digitally signed documents, gain meaningful information on processes, and track employee certifications and training.

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One system for knowledge develpment and documentation.

Drive knowledge with a fully functioning LMS, standardize and automate procedure documents and process flows, create and maintain digitally signed documents, gain meaningful information on processes, and track employee acceptance as well as certifications and training.

Central Repository

• Repository creates access for anyone or outside org to access and view documentation based on rights. Giving access to see only relevant info of their department.

• Reduces the use of other process mapping tools such as Visio or IBM Blue works.

• Standardized the look and feel of procedure documents.

• Allows users to put existing Word or pdf documents in the system without recreating.


• Helps document existing processes by flowing through the process and collecting screen shots of application being used.

• Has imaging functionality to Blur Personal Information, add arrows, boxes, text and circles to highlight information on images.

• Collects process timing in the system of each step.

• Uses speech to text to collect and document info for each step collected.


• Upload existing documents to track users have acknowledged they have reviewed it.

• Upload LMS files to have users complete training and testing for their departmental role.

• Display certifications for each employee based on training they have completed.

• Upload training or certification documetation to an employee.

History and Tracking

• Document history tracking allows you to see how the process was performed at anytime in the past.

• Version date of process document and version number

• Approved by and approval date tracked.

Searching and Collaberating

• Creates a global search for users to look up key words and find processes with key words used.

• Can search for specific documents or policy names.

• All users can create comments that can be communicated and closed out like issues.

Digitally Signed Documents

• Adobe approved certificate to lock signed documents from being changed.

• Create one document and use it over and over to reduce time.

• User can sign any where at anytime.

• Organize contracts or agreements

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